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Aftercare for our treatments. Please follow accordingly to get the optimum results
After a facial treatment the skin can be a little sensitive. The following advice will ensure you continue to benefit from your treatment.
For long term results get regular monthly facials• Protect your skin in harsh climates. Like the cold and hot sun.• Drink water every day. Aim for 2ltrs.• Eat balanced meals• Get plenty of beauty sleep• Follow your home care routine.• Use the right products for your skin type• Always wear a good sunscreen – prevents ageing and protects your skin
No need to use exfoliating products for up to 72hrs after a facial• Avoid heavy make-up for up to 8hrs after treatment.• Avoid smoking and alcohol
Massage & Body Treatments
After your treatment your body and mind is relaxed. To gain maximum benefit from your treatment it is recommended you read and follow the aftercare advice sheet.
• Drink plenty of water after your treatment. This helps with dehydration, lost fluids, reduces soreness, reduces fatigue and helps eliminate toxins from your body.
• Avoid alcohol, smoking, tea and caffeine at least 12hrs after treatment as they can have a dehydrating effect on the body.
• Avoid heavy spicy meals after the treatment. Eat a light meal so the body can concentrate on natural healing and encourage detoxification.
• Avoid strenuous activity• For long term results book in for regular treatments and use the home care products prescribed.• Please support your body with a healthy diet and regular exercise
• Please avoid bathing or showering until the following day ( additional tightening and inch loss occurs for up to 12 hours)• Sometimes people experience some soreness for 24 hours or so after a massage. If you do feel sore or think that you might, stretch gently in a hot shower or take a warm bath .And remember to tell your massage therapist about your experience so it can be taken into consideration in your next session.
Eyelash and Eyebrow Tinting
1. No touching or Rubbing the eyes immediately after treatment.
2. If redness or irritation occurs, apply a damp cotton wool compress
3. Effects will start to diminish within 4-6 weeks as hair grows out
4. Strong sunlight will make effects fade faster
5. Avoid washing your hair or swimming for 24hrs as it can take the colour out.
6. No mascara for 24hrs
7. Eyelash colour will last four to six weeks and eyebrow colour 2 -4 weeks
8. Can get the treatment done again after 6 weeks
Exfoliate waxed area, start 2 days after. Do this 2-3 times a week to prevent ingrown hairs.• Routine waxing helps the skin get accustomed to the procedure and may minimize irritation.• Moisturise daily. Helps with irritation, flaking and prevention of ingrown hairs.• Dry brushing the waxed area with a mitt or loofer before the shower is essential.
Avoid direct sunlight – skin is prone to hyper pigmentation if in the sun after waxing.• Avoid saunas, steam rooms, whirlpools and other heated sources for at least 48 hours.• Avoid heavy exercise for at least 24hrs after waxing. Sweat is a breeding ground for bacteria.• Avoid tight clothing. Can irate and cause ingrown hairs.• No hot baths, hot showers or sexual activity for 10 hours after a Brazilian. While your pores are open, they are vulnerable to irritation by the extreme temperatures and infection by bacteria.• Make-up should not be applied to the area until 12hrs after waxing.
Male waxing: Men tend to have courser, curlier and thicker hair than women. Men can experience small pimples or rash that lasts for a few days after waxing. Usually on the chest, back and groin area. This is caused by bacteria that enter the open follicle, before and after perspiration.
•What are in grown hairs and what can I do to prevent them?
Ingrown hairs form when dry skin cells block the surface opening for hairs growing back after shaving, waxing, electrolysis or any other form of hair removal. Failing to grow out of the skin, the hairs curl inside the follicle underneath the skin and the resulting foreign body reaction causes an unsightly infectious bump. Both women and men suffer from ingrown hairs. To prevent ingrown hairs from forming you must follow the appropriate homecare advice:
Exfoliation: Removes the dead skin cells from the top layer of the skin. A coarse dry body mitt can be used on dry skin after waxing before showering each day. Drybrushing is a must. This needs to be done at least 2-3 times weekly, start 2 days after your waxing treatment